The CracklessEgg system consists of the Crackless Egg sensor and mobile app. The sensor is an exact replica of a real large-size egg that is packed with sensors that measure all the forces your eggs feel as it travels along the processing line.
The sensor takes measurements including impact forces on 3 axis, velocity and direction of travel. Soon, temperature and humidity will also be measured. This data is gathered at a high rate and are transmitted via Bluetooth to the mobile app.
The mobile app displays all the incoming measurements in real-time and alerts you to impacts that can cause eggshell damage. Customizable thresholds allow you to tailor measurements to your particular operation. Impact events of concern are recorded for later review and you can attach a note, photo or video to each.
By using the CracklessEgg system to identify areas of concern and fine tune your processing line you can realize significant savings. Reducing breakage by even a small amount can result in tens of thousands of dollars in profit.